Relationship of ODC to RCA?

ODC extracts information from defects.  The extraction is a carefully designed scheme that turns the semantics into key measurements on the process and product. At this stage it is just data. The next step performs specifically designed analysis that yields insights into the product and process. The interpretation of these results are used for Root Cause Analysis (RCA).  

RCA is a term used in software engineering with a specific purpose. The objective is to gain knowledge from defects to improve the process. But how one does it is up to you. Over the years, some methods gained favor, such "5 Whys" and quality circles.  However, the methods to gain insight are broadly free-form: Get people together -- study defects -- think.

ODC can be used to perform RCA. It is just one of the many applications of ODC. But, a very popular one.  Here are some of the salient aspects of ODC based RCA:

  • ODC changes the style of RCA from free-form subjective to structured and quantitative.
  • Several benefit with a few limitations.
  • The main benefits is speed. It is 100x faster!
  • Subsequently, it is far less expensive.
  • What is not so obvious is that it increases stickyness of RCA.
  • Therefore, the success rate of an organization attempting RCA goes up significantly.
  • The limitations are mathematical resolution issues, that do not concern 90% of applications.

For further reading, check out: "5 differences.. " and "ODC Performance.." articles.

Ram Chillarege, August 2022, Raleigh NC.